Have you been passing over all those Green Energy options because you think they’re too much higher in cost than the traditional fossil-fueled counterparts?  If your only excuse to pass over the eco-friendly power in the past was the higher-than-average electricity prices, then you should be signing up for clean , green renewable energy on Bounce Energy’s Organic Power Introductory plan right now!!

Unless ,of course, you can find green energy cheaper than 3 cents per kwh.

That’s right, for a VERY short time (through July 4th , 2011) , you can make a real difference by switching to renewable energy this weekend AND get a ridiculously low intro rate with this limited Bounce Energy promotion.

Here’s the rates (per kwh) for Bounce’s green energy intro promotion for each zone (based on the poles-and-wires utility company zones)

Oncor………………………………… 3.21


AEP Central…………………………..3.62

AEP North……………………………..3.42

Texas New Mexico Power……….. 3.07

(These rates are based on 1,000 kwh monthly usage)

Don’t forget, you only have until July 4th before these rates expire! If you aren’t sure which zone you’re in, or you have any questions or would like help switching, feel free to give us a call at 1-800-974-3020

You can also see these plans  and compare them to all the others we offer by going to our compare electricity rates page and typing in your zip code. We just thought you’d find the Bounce Energy rates nigh unbeatable anyway, so make sure you click over to the “Green” tab and take advantage of our renewable energy options.

One more thing I need to mention if you’re still on the fence – There’s NO CONTRACT with these Bounce organic power intro promotions, so you’re not locked into anything you don’t want to commit to.  That’s right – there just aren’t any more available excuses to keep any of us from switching to green energy in July!